Click a link below to view the terms & conditions of any vendors (such as cruise lines, tour operators and airlines) that are providing you with any services booked through our agency. If the vendor you are looking for is not listed please go to their website, contact them, or view their brochure for such information.
(Vendors are listed in alphabetical order)
Links are subject to expire. Links are provided as a convenience to you. If a link does not work properly or the correct information does not display, it is your responsibility to access the correct vendor terms and conditions via that vendor's web site and/or the current version of their brochure. In addition to having terms and conditions, many vendors also have guest ticket contracts. The links above will direct you to terms and conditions and/or guest ticket contracts. You are responsible to view all of the information, even if it's not provided via the link. Some vendor terms and conditions linked to on this page have aspects that are based on you booking directly with them (for example, the need to pay them directly); for clarification on any issues or policies please contact the vendor directly. All vendor terms and conditions are in addition to our agency's terms and conditions, and are subject to change without notice. Some of the links provided are to the vendor's FAQ pages, or pages similar to that, rather than their terms and conditions.